pursueGOD partners with the School of Leadership Development
pursueGOD is excited to announce we are partnering with the School of Leadership Development to offer their Class "Personal Devotion". The class uses the pursueGOD 90-Day Planner as the primary text book.
The PD107 (Personal Devotions) class is a 1 credit online class (12 sessions in total) that will help you develop a thriving relationship with God. The class includes the pursueGOD 90-Day Planner text book as part of the special price.
This class is normally $140, as a special offer to our pursueGOD users, they're offering the class and the pursueGOD 90-Day Planner for just $84.99. This may be the best investment you have ever made into your spiritual life.
Here is short Video Class Description
PD 107 (Personal Devotions) is a 1 Credit Class (12 sessions) offered from the School of Ministry Development, a ministry of Dreamer's Church in Austin Texas.
Personal Devotions is an in-depth study of the importance of developing a healthy daily devotional life. We will study how Jesus and the first century believers read the Bible, prayed and worshipped to develop an intimate relationship with God. We will look at the journey and keys to develop our own intimate relationship with God. Class presentations, class discussions and assignments will center on assisting the student to begin this journey.