Removing Worry from Our Life
we often have a tendency to worry and stress about the future. We worry about our finances, our relationships, our health, and a whole host of other things. In Matthew 6:31-34, Jesus tells us that we don't need to worry about these things, because our Heavenly Father knows what we need and will provide -
4 Bible Reading Basics
Statistics clearly show that our daily Bible reading habits are so important to a thriving life. *Someone who engages in reading the Bible 4 or mo... -
Developing Your Prayer Life
We live in a culture today where multitasking and time maximizing have become major keys to success. Although this can be a good and healthy discip... -
Journaling for better spiritual, emotional and mental health
Did you know the National Institute of Mental Health estimates that "1 in 5 Americans had an anxiety disorder in the past year." The same is most ... -
Real Talk; Going Beyond Being An Attractional Church
This post you might call, "real talk from one pastor to another". I love Pastors, and I am one. This year has been overwhelming for all pastors. We... -
What is my calling? What is my purpose? Why am I here on planet earth? Does my life have meaning? The wording changes, but the cry of the heart is the same, "God reveal to me what to do with my life". This has been the question of every generation since the beginning of time!
Do you personally know what the great commission, the great commandment, and the great calling are?
What Are Gods Plans For Me?
HOW CAN I KNOW GODS PLANS FOR MY LIFE? The challenges of everyday life can cause us to struggle with anxiety, fear and insecurity if we allow them ...