What is my calling? What is my purpose? Why am I here on planet earth? Does my life have meaning? The wording changes, but the cry of the heart is the same, "God reveal to me what to do with my life". This has been the question of every generation since the beginning of time!
Do you personally know what the great commission, the great commandment, and the great calling are?
What about these three "greats" can you easily articulate?
Our research shows most people readily can quote the great commandment "love God and love others" (Mt 22:36), they know the great commission is to preach the good news to everyone, everywhere (Mk 16:15).
"Love God, Love others" (Mt 22:36-40; Mk 12:30)
"Go, preach the good news to everyone, everywhere" (Mk 16:15; Mt 28:18)
If you know these two spiritual truths by memory, you're among the majority. But what about the great calling? Did you answer the question with the same ease?
Most people cannot confidently answer the question "What is my calling?"
This is often because we're wanting to define calling as a specific action for today, rather than a mission for every day. We're wanting to see it as a task to complete, rather than a lifestyle to daily repeat. The western mindset often tries to see calling as a box they want to check, or a task they can identify as complete. But what if calling wasn't a task, or a box to check off, but rather a lifestyle mandate?
We must note; When we talk about the calling of God there's the "General Calling" and the "Specific Calling" that God has for our lives. The general calling refers to the things that every one of us is called to do in the kingdom of God. The specific calling of God is the gifting, ability and mission that God has individually given and uniquely called us to pursue.
Jesus told His followers and us what our general calling is in Matt 6:33 "Pursue, go after, seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Mt 6:33; Lk 12:31). This is not a task, or a box to check, it's a missional lifestyle of putting God first! This is the calling that every single one of us have! Putting God first in our life is what we're called to do, it's the key to unlocking the purposes of God in and around us.
To truly know your specific calling, you must first walk in the general calling of God. When Jesus called the disciples He told them to follow Him. It started that simple! It was in the following that they would grow and learn what the specific calling of God was on their life.
So, take time today and ask yourself "Are you seeking first the Kingdom of God with your life?" A great way of phrasing it is "Based on my actions, what will the history book of my life say I was seeking first?" Is the current answer to that question what you want it to be?
Take time today and look at these five Kingdom Life focuses to ask if you're seeking the Kingdom of God first. Remember, as you dial in you life to truly seek first the kingdom of God, then God reveals in greater measure the specific calling on your life.
Here's the 5 Kingdom Life focuses (From the pursueGOD Planner)
- Faith Life - Do you prioritize time with God in devotions and attending Church?
- Family Life - Do you put God first in your family?
- Fitness - Do you put the Kingdom of God first with the way you steward you health?
- Finances - Do you put the Kingdom of God first in your finances and honor Him with the Tithes and Offerings?
- Future - Do you put the Kingdom of first in your future or are you simply building to a nature retirement goal?
- God has a general and specific calling on my life.
- My general calling is to seek first the Kingdom of God.
- As I live out my general calling, God specific will becomes main known.
- Seeking first the Kingdom of God can be seen in the way you handle your Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances and Future.
Thank you for the simple way you have laid this